Best approach to content creation

Traditionally, Content used to be considered primarily a top-of-funnel tool. In the new normal, however, consumers expect helpful, high-quality content that showcases thought leadership across every touchpoint. In order to accomplish this, B2B brands have tried to grow their in-house teams by hiring content writers, designers, video creators among others. The key issue with this approach is to find quality resources who understand business while help you articulate the same in an eye-catching manner. The other issue is though you may have requirement for various types of content assets, the need isn’t great enough to justify a full-time resource. Additionally, the content being produced may be too internally focussed.

Alternatively, companies have reached out to agencies or freelancers to manage this load.—especially now when more and more agencies have rebranded themselves as content-centric agencies or freelancers calling themselves content specialists or content strategists. But companies struggle here as well because they still end up having to pay full-time employees just to project-manage with endless mails or phone calls to get the kind of quality output they require within the stipulated time period. Recent research shows that only 5% B2B buyers believe the content they receive showcases thought leadership effectively.

So what can companies do to address this?

  1. Brainstorm with key stakeholders in your organization to chart out what your thought leadership marketing roadmap is?
  2. Do an internal audit first to identify how your current content marketing efforts are aligning with it & map the content pipeline necessary
  3. Set up an internal think tank that would help develop your unique point of view that you would like to communicate across channels
  4. Identify an agency who specialises in developing thought leadership content and engage them as an extended arm of the organization
  5. Give the agency a free hand to provide an external view and expertise on how to create content that people would actually consume and look forward to.

With these in place you can ensure you get more bang for your buck.

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