Is Voice Numerosity Effect impacting your content engagement?

Conventional wisdom says that one clear, consistent voice to narrate your message is key to effective marketing. But what if I told you that's not always the case? That phenomenon is called the voice numerosity effect!

According to research by Amitava Chattopadhyay from INSEAD, using multiple narrating voices can have a more positive effect on your audience! When a new narrator’s voice carries on a persuasive message, the change in voice can help sustain consumers’ attention and their processing of the next piece of the spoken message, which might not be processed otherwise.

Reflection moment:

  1. Are you relying too heavily on a single voice for your brand?
  2. Are you missing out on opportunities to connect with different segments of your audience?
  3. How can you use multiple narrating voices to add depth and nuance to your marketing efforts?

Tips for marketers:

  1. Experiment with different tones, styles, and perspectives to resonate with various audience segments.
  2. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience.
  3. Embrace the complexity of multiple voices to stand out in a crowded market.


  • The most effective marketing often challenges conventional wisdom.
  • Embrace the power of multiple narrating voices to connect with your audience in new and innovative ways.
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