Why Outsource Your Content

According to recent research by the content council, spending on content marketing will continue to grow by 42% by 2022. This would require marketers to up their content game not only with respect to the volume of content but also the quality of content. This is where bring in an expert content creation agency creates a differentiator to brands. According to another research by CMI 31 percent B2B marketers are outsourcing their content creation & distribution. The question on a lot of marketers’ minds would be: why turn to outside experts for our content needs? Here are few reasons why you should and the benefits you can reap!

Flexibility to scale up or down

Most organizations have a lean content marketing team. Relying on internal resources means asking the already stretched teams to squeeze extra deliverables onto their full plate! This would result in either deadline not being met, dip in quality of output among others which can hurt the campaign and in turn the brand.

On the other hand, outsourcing content creation gives you the flexibility to scale up or down your content volumes depending on the business demands without disrupting existing marketing processes.

Access to Specialized Resources

Considering content agencies specialize in this job, they will have a mix of talent with a wide range of industry experience, content experience, and combining the best of both worlds means high-quality content for you on a real-time basis. Since the quality of the content has a huge impact on your marketing ROI, it's important to have the best people behind your content creation. Additionally, If you wanted to hire a single person with multiple content specializations, it could be costly to bring them on board—not to mention, difficult to find someone who ticks all the right boxes. Outsourcing on the other hand eliminates this requirement. 

An experienced content agency can help you save time on: 

  • Content research and writing
  • editorial review
  • Project management
  • Incorporating best practices in content creation 

Is Cost-Effective

All of these advantages are compelling, but one of the key elements for you to build a business case would be the “cost-saving” you can achieve by outsourcing your content requirements. It is no doubt more cost-effective, particularly when compared to the costs of hiring and maintaining an in-house staff to carry out the same responsibilities. Research shows it is around 30% less to outsource content vis-a-vis doing it in-house. 

Additionally, outsourcing content allows you to get competitive rates, evaluate multiple agencies for multiple content requirements or find the one who meets your budget. This will give you access to quality talent at fraction of the investment you would have otherwise made on a full-time resource. 

Outsource for success

While the benefits of outsourcing content are multifield. Most importantly, it will allow your internal team to focus on strategizing for the future and making shifts to achieve already defined marketing goals. It gives them additional bandwidth to explore new marketing opportunities while ensuring the content they are producing through the content agency helps them stay on top of their content marketing game and achieve better ROI. 

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